Thursday, 17 May 2012

Birding over the last couple of weeks.

Sorry for not posting lately but i was having some major problems with my computer but that's all sorted now, anyway ill start of with mine and dads trip to Pulborough were we had very showy Nightingales, Whitethroats, Blackcaps, Willow warblers, Sedge warblers, a nice showy Cuckoo, and a very nice Water rail.

On the 22nd of April we quickly popped into Fishbourne for the Possible Iberian Chiffchaff, which showed doing a call that I’ve never heard before, at Sildesham ferry we had two Little ringed plover mating, and full summer plumage Spotted Redshank,

Kentish plover
On the 30th dad had female Pied flycatcher at his work, at the golf course we had a nice male Whinchat that showed really well sitting on brambles and flying round on the grass as well, then just behind us dad then picked out a nice male Redstart that performed beautifully in a willow tree, then just abit further down the field dad then picked out a nice male Ring Ouzel that was within a few feet from us showing really well, it was a shame because i forget my camera that day.

Then on the 5th of may we met Rob at Rye train station and then headed to Rye for the Kentish plover that showed really well, the bird was on the new salt marsh which was only constructed last year and has been a major improvement to Sussex and Rye itself, we also had Curlew sandpiper, 1 Little Stint, amazing view of Little Tern, about 200 Ringed Plover, we then headed to Dungeness were we had a nice male Whinchat, 2 Redstart, 2 Black restarts and 4 Whimbrel.
Spotted Flycather

Then on the 11th of May we headed to a local green about 2 minutes away from our house were we had stunning views of Spotted Flycatcher, Whitethroats and Blackcaps.

And last but not least, Rob came and picked us up last Saturday and we headed to Somerset for the Squacco Heron, Which performed really well right in front of us before it flew of into so tree's were it showed well as well, we then headed back to Pagham harbour were we had amazing views of Nightjar that was right out in the open, i thought that you could only dream for a view like this you could see all the marking through the scope from here we headed home.

Squacco heron
Squacco heron


Spotted redshank

Sorry about the late posting.

1 comment:

  1. Hi great account of your recent trips , excellent photos too.


Climping 15-16 August 2015.

Saturday 15th August 2015 Very calm morning cover all of the patch, very good numbers of birds moving totals. Pied Flycatcher. 6:35-...