Sunday, 28 August 2011

Return to Norfolk

7 Curlew sandpipers
Dad, Rob and I headed to Norfolk for the Greenish and Western Bonelli’s warbler that have taken up residence at Warren wood in Cromer, we headed up at to Cromer, at 4:30 Saturday morning and arrived just after 8 o’clock, and there was no sign of the birds why we were there or any birders to ask, so we decided to head to Cley next to sea for some Curlew sandpipers and a Red necked phalarope that had turned up the day before.

Red necked phalarope
When we arrived at Cley next to sea we had no idea were the bird were seen from, so we asked to birders and said it was the pool right out in front of us, when we got into the hide and set up are equipment there were birds everywhere, just in front of the hide there was, 37 Curlew sandpipers, Common and Green sandpipers, a Little ringed plover, lots of Ruff and 1Wood sandpiper, there was also plenty of Grey lag goose and on the back pool with Black tailed godwits there was Juvenile Red necked phalarope very far for photos but good views through the scope, then the news broke out of the Greenish and Western Bonelli’s warbler having being seen, so we decided to hang around for a little longer and a good job we did, because all the goose and waders flew of and we had 8 Spoonbills just pop out on to a bank, we then decided to go back to the car to head of for these Warblers, then the pager beeped of a Red backed shrike less than two minutes away so we decided to go for that first. 

Red backed shrike
We parked the car just about 2 minutes down the road and headed to were it was last seen to find out it had just been flushed further down the path so we headed there hoping it would be there, but when we arrived we got told it flew Right, so everyone headed back to were it was first Me, Rob and Dad stuck around stuck around and after 5 minutes looking dad found the Red backed shrike sitting on top of a bush showing really well on and off, we then got 2 other birders on it.

We then headed back for the Greenish and Western Bonelli’s warbler, after phoning RBA for directions to the place because we went to the wrong place twice, but when we found the proper sight we met 2 guys that said '' that it has been over here about 10 minutes ago'' so we followed them, and after waiting no less then 5 minutes we had the Western Bonelli’s warbler in our view for no longer than 2 minutes but it was still good views, we then headed round to were the Greenish warbler get's seen from, we heard it call from a distance and then singing right in front of us but there was still no sign, about 30 minutes later Dad had 2 brief views of the bird but Me and Rob didn't see it, Me and Rob headed back to the car quickly and then when we got back the greenish warbler was showing so we instantly ran to were its being seen from and i instantly got on the bird and saw the Supercilium for only a few seconds, and then after that all you could see was it flicking about in the tree tops, about 20 minutes after that i had in my view for alot longer and could see the wing bar and the silvery grey colouring, so after we all saw the greenish warbler  we headed home. 
3 Curlew sandpipers
Green sandpiper

Common sandpiper

Wood sandpiper

Green sandpiper

Curlew sandpiper
8 Spoonbills

Common sandpiper

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