Sorry about the late posting, I’ve been busy with school work But over the few weeks me and dad have seen Rough legged buzzard which was at the burgh which is the best place i know for raptors, and we headed down to Somerset with Rob for the Sharp tailed sandpiper at Chew valley lake there are some very good waders down there at the moment.
Me, Dad and our friend Garry bagnel headed up to the Burgh for the Rough legged buzzard that had been up there for about 3 weeks, and when we arrived we had about a 10 minutes ahead of us and when were we at Dew pond we had 4 Short eared owls, 6 Red kites, 1 Hen harrier and a couple of Buzzards, and after about 10 minutes later we Dad picked out the Rough legged buzzard abit further down the valley but it soon came closer and started drifting round our heads, from here we headed round the burgh for some Corn bunting and had a Raven fly over, and abit further down the road we had two Corn bunting in a tree, from here we headed home.
The Saturday after Rob picked us up and we headed down to Somerset for the Sharp tailed sandpiper when we arrived the sandpiper wasn’t on show we decided to cross the bridge and take a quick look at the Spotted sandpiper that has been there for ages and was hard to see at times, then the Sharp tailed sandpiper we watched the sandpiper for about an hour going back and forth to go look at the Spotted sandpiper, we then headed to another lake for Ringed necked duck, but there was sign but we did see some Bewick swans, 1 red head Goosander and a nice female Long tailed duck, we then headed back to the bridge for the Sandpiper and when we arrived the Sharp tailed sandpiper was showing better with a flock of dunlin which it spent most of its time with, Rob then picked out the 2 Long billed dowicthers, from here we headed home happy.
Sorry there aren't many photos but having a few problems will get more uploaded soon.
Excellent photos Michael